
Medicel Viscoject Bio Classic Injection System

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MEViscoject Bio

Medicel Viscoject Bio Classic Injection System has engineered biofilm coating, makes it the leading MICS lens delivery system. The wide range of cartridge sizes, a simple handling technique and Viscoject Bio Classic Injection System affordable pricing makes it the perfect allround system for single-piece IOLs of any design. Viscoject IOLs Classic Injection System with engineered biofilm coating offer outstanding gliding properties for IOLs to be safely injected through even smaller incision sizes while avoiding transferring additives to the lens surface. 

Feature :-

Single use Viscoject Bio injection system/ catridge set 

  • For hydrophilic and hydrophobic 1-piece lenses
  • Perfect gliding properties
  • No additive transfer 
  • No cartridge splits 
  • Smooth and steady injection IOL
  • With soft-tip technology
  • Incision sizes range from 2.8mm to 1.5mm

Reusable Viscoject Bio injection system

  • High grade titanium
  • Available as syringe-type or screw-type injector 
  • To be used with fully single-use cartridge sets 

Medicel Viscoject Bio Classic Injection System  is also available with a single-use cartridge set in combination with a reusable titanium injector. This Viscoject Bio Classic Injection System are available in two design : syringe-type injector with gentle slide system and recoil mechanism and screw-type injector with 4-channel precision-spindle for precise forward and backward movements. 


Area of use : Injection System