B. Braun Space is a modular infusion system that is smaller, lighter, and easier to handle than any other existing configuration. Leading the way into the future, this system meets all demands of an outstanding safety concept. B. Braun Space can also be integrated into the data communications network of every advanced hospital operation.
Performance Data
Automatic rate calculation by calculating volume over time
Dose rate mode: Automatic calculation of delivery rate in ml/h based on the entry of drug concentration in conjunction with the desired dose rate (e.g.: ml/kg/min)
Drug Library: Up to 720 drug names including therapy data and information can be stored in 15 categories. Drug specific soft and hard limits as well as default values can be specified
Current (primary) infusion temporarily in order to administer a piggyback (secondary) infusion
Safety Concept
Device-based anti-free flow clamp for maximum security against free flow when pump door is opened or infusion line removed
Automatic bolus reduction triggered by occlusion alarm
Additional upstream pressure sensor detects upstream occlusions (e.g.: closed roller clamp)
Data lock on 2 safety levels (parameters and disposables lockable)
LED alarm indicator with clear alarm message in display
Drug specific acoustic alarm priorities can be specified
B. Braun Infusomat Space P is the most space saving, high performance infusion pump for standard infusion lines.