
Heine Easyclean LED Slim Laryngoscope Handle

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Easyclean LED Slim Laryngoscope Handle

Heine Easyclean LED Slim Laryngoscope Handle is a 100% waterproof laryngoscope handle. The laryngoscope handle is equipped with autoclave LED technology, making cleaning process easier without having to remove lights, only batteries for autoclaving. Besides that, this laryngoscope handle is designed to be easy to use and easy for reprocessing. 


  • Non-slip “Wave Design” improves the reliability of the wipe disinfectant for the  handle after use (‘Intermediate Disinfection’). 
  • Maximum brightness: 3 x brighter than conventional halogen light.
  • Virtually unlimited hours of working life.
  • Compatible with all laryngoscope blades according to ISO 7376 (Green Standard).

Heine Easyclean LED Slim Laryngoscope Handle typically has 10 hours of operating time with incontinuous operation. The laryngoscope blade is designed to comply with green standard.