
Philips ProTech Sensors For Various Sleep System

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Philips ProTech Sensors For Various Sleep System is a full line sensor that detect respiratory airflow, respiratory effort, snoring, periodic limb movements, and sleep position. This easy-to-place ProTech Sensors are used in sleep testing facilities around the world and help to meet important AASM accreditation standards.

 Feature :-
  • EEG electrodes and wires for continuity can be checked and verified while respiratory effort sensors, snore sensors, airflow sensors, and PLM sensors can be tested for output
  • ProTech sensors pressure transducer devices are used to monitor airflow and snore to generate precise signals and produce an accurate flow-based snore channel
  • ProTech sensors has zRIP technology that provide true breathing movement tracings with no false paradoxing and accurate signals for the detection of respiratory effort
  • ProTech sensors zRIP sensor belts have been designed for complete patient coverage and are fully washable
  • ProTech sensors have two snore sensing options - piezo sensors and microphon s which both compatible with most PSG system 
  • With soft, narrow prongs, Pro-Flow and Pro-Flow Plus cannulas are designed for pressure transducers and help provide minimal nasal resistance
  • ProTech sensors have periodic limb movement sensors to detect leg or arm movement and easy to place body position sensors to help facilitate the diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing 

Philips ProTech Sensors For Various Sleep System has thermocouples and thermistors that compatible with most major PSG systems. The variations include the ability to monitor oral/nasal separately and/or together with adult and pediatric sizes, and disposable thermocouples. While for peizo respiratory effort sensor for ProTech, it is available in pediatric small, medium and adult sizes. 


Area of use : Sleep and respiratory care, Sleep therapy